7BEAUFORT is the intermediary for Event and Communication specialists. With passion, fun, creativity and an eye for your wishes and needs. 7BEAUFORT’s CSR policy focuses on quality control, working conditions and environment, with a focus on balancing the three dimensions.
People, Planet and Profit. We shape this policy by:
- Encouraging online communication.
- Participating in and contributing to sustainability initiatives.
- Stimulating environmentally friendly (commuting) traffic by bicycle or public transport.
- 7BEAUFORT is a recognized learning company and offers 2 social or vocational internships per year.
- 7BEAUFORT is actively committed to starters in the labor market.
- Daily environmental awareness through waste separation and energy conservation.
- Annual setting of CSR objectives.
CSR objectives
- Sponsorship and support of various projects at non-profit organizations.
- Special rates for nonprofit organizations.
- Business association, volunteer project to raise awareness of businesses.
- Local associations, participation, support and organization.
Social Return on Investment
7BEAUFORT’s objective is to spend a fixed percentage of turnover each year on projects with a clear social character. This objective relates not only to the provision of financial resources but also by devoting the time of our employees to the organization of various projects.